Monkey Mart

Monkey Mart

Let's turn Monkey Mart online into the best jungle market where monkeys will shop for their daily needs, which largely consist of bananas. Grab coins whenever money emerges in different locations, and utilize the money you currently have in reserve to expand your supermarket and buy more amenities. Additionally, you should upgrade the monkey to make it function better. As you go, you will also be able to hire more workers, and we are confident that you can make everything run smoothly.

How to play

Move your monkey using the arrows as you gather bananas, arrange them on shelves, and then use the cash register to sell them to other monkeys.

The secret to succeeding in this fantastic game will be new upgrades, expansions, and acquisitions. Enjoy the unique excitement that this place offers. Following that, we anticipate you enjoying yourself even more in future games like Revolution Offroad!

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